VIRTUAL GALLERY Bird-Dromaius / to Platinum 2022.05.13 Click here ↓ GO TO VIRTUAL GALLERY RICHO 360° Virtual Gallery Photo Exhibition :「鳥-Dromaius / to Platinum」2020 Richo Imaging Square Tokyo
Personal Structures 2022 2022.05.01 2022/4/23-11/27 Participate in Personal Structures as part of the Venice Biennale. Personal Structures exhibition scenery in Palazzo Bembo 2022 exhibition scenery in Palazzo Bembo 2022
Introducing past photo exhibition 【Bird-Dromaius】 2022.03.12 An exhibition of Bird-Dromaius platinum prints was held at the Roonee247 Fine Recommend wall.Roonee 247 Fine Arts Photo exhibition DM Exhibition view at Recommend wall Exhibition view at Recommend wall